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Restore your missing teeth with dental implants

Have you lost a tooth? Multiple teeth? All of your teeth? Does smiling make you feel uncomfortable? Not able to eat efficiently as you were used to? Regain your confidence. Trust your own teeth. With us you can have your own perfect smile back.

A dental implant

A Dental implant is a titanium implant that is placed into the jaw/gums to replace the root of missing teeth. Why titanium? Titanium is strong, reliable and highly compatible with the bone and the oral tissue. It is the most inert metal (accepted by human body) and there is no known case of titanium allergy, and it doesn't corrode compared to metal such as iron etc..

Dental implant is one of the latest innovations in dentistry. Previously, any missing teeth can only be replaced with a denture, which is although removable is troublesome and not accepted by everyone , Dental implant has become more popular because it is the best replacement for natural teeth. They provide a foundation for new replacement teeth that Look, Feel, and Function exactly like natural Teeth. You will not only be able to eat everything, but also you will be preserving your facial structure, protecting it from bone deterioration that can result from missing teeth. It's a lifetime investment. Implants are designed to last longer than any other type of restorative procedure (Crowns, Bridges, etc.).

How will Dental Implants change your life?

Simply, it's as natural as it can be.

What's the success rate for Dental Implants?

Up to 98% of the cases were completely successful (With proper care); it mainly depends on the place of the Implant and the jawbone structure. Highly trained specialists will advise you about your special case through full oral examination before the Implant process.

Can anyone get a Dental Implant?

If you are healthy enough to undergo a simple dental extraction or oral surgery, you can be considered for dental implant. Dental Implants are held in the jawbone, so you need to have a healthy gum and enough bones. If you have uncontrolled high blood sugar level, heart problems, or if you are a heavy smoker, your case will need to be evaluated on individual basis.

Does It Really Hurts?

Having a dental Implant is a simple procedure that can be done under local anesthesia on the dental chair. In a very short time and with no pain the implant will be placed in your mouth. You will be able to conduct all your regular life activities normally one day following the procedure. Once the healing process is completed (around 3 months) the preparation can be made for construction of a tooth. The teeth are normally made of porcelain, the shape and color is 'custom-made' to complement the rest of the teeth. Committing to a proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist is also very important factor for the success of the dental implant.